When you look into much greater depth of situations like this, you find that most of the time this is not a isolated instance and the culture has become endemic within your organisation. With a very small amount of costs and effort, you are in a position where you could capture a much bigger portion of the market but it is instances like this that are loosing you sales and thus customers are not upgrading to your top tier product.

If you want customers to upgrade to Altium Designer as i am sure that CS was introduced as a teaser for this very reason, promote it. The publications that i read all have adverts from Altium but few mention Circuit Studio. Do you run training courses? I don't know because i cant find any information, again, support your product or if the information is out there, make it easy to find. 4) Your help guides and training material is woefully lacking. Even though i love this site, i should not have to come here to sort problems out. Nobody and i mean NOBODY likes to be ignored 3) Support your product. I know a couple of Altium people look at these threads so i am going to give you some advise 1) If you send out an email directly after a customer had downloaded one of your products, ensure that the person can at least help if the customer has a problem as the footer on the email is telling me that the person whom sent the email is from Tech Support and then emails me back saying "i cant help you, i will get Tech Support to contact you" 2) Reply to emails. I emailed Altium and asked for an extension of the trial explaining the initial problems and again, nothing, not a bloody thing. My trial duly ended and the software was shut down. By this time, i only had a couple of weeks to run on my trial and because of work and international travel, it was hard for me to properly get a hang of things. Did i get contacted by Altium, did i hell as like it was a member here that solved the problem in a couple of easy steps. He copied me in on the emails and it clearly explained the problem. Got to speak to a bloke there but he was unable to solve the problem after being on the phone for 20 minutes and he told me he would raise an E ticket. I had some issues at the start and after several emails to Altium directly, nothing, no replies, even after being contacted by their own tech team.