Information includes release dates, detailed game descriptions, regional differences, lots of trivia and interesting information about the games' developmental stages.

1994 (Vol.3, Iss.1) - Best Genesis Action/Arcade Game of the Year.1994 (Vol.3, Iss.1) - Overall Action/Arcade Game of the Year.Right before he comes out, he whips a candle that gives him a fish, which he uses like a boomerang. One of them is a super-deformed Simon Belmont-like robot. There is also a secret area in level 3 (The Junkyard), where you must fight three robots.This is actually a hyped-up, overhauled version of Vampire Killer from Konami's Castlevania. During the sound test, you can find a tune named Simon 1994 AD.There are unofficial patches for use with a ROM file that address this and offer other improvements.

This was removed in the American and European releases, resulting in a more difficult game. The Japanese original allows the player characters to take three hits before dying. Plus, the story has been changed to just some mad robot trying to take over the world. There are no human characters in the European version, for one.

The European versions of Contra Hard Corps had been vastly censored and altered.